Sonnets shakespeariens réalisés par des élèves de TL1


En Littérature Etrangère en Langue Etrangère, les élèves de la TL1 ont tous écrit un sonnet shakespearien.

Certains ont accepté de les partager.
Leurs poèmes sont regroupés dans ce document: SonnetsTL12018

Voici en avant goût celui d’Anon :

« When I first set my gaze upon that rose
I had not thought of all the thorns it hid
What if I let it fly to where wind blows,
Could I ever manage to fill this void?

And when I took the rose, my wounded hand,
Afraid of dropping it, I chose to scar
That sorry hand that could not understand
It was too late, the thorns anchored too far.

And withers, rose I hold too tight, its hate
Could only be appeased by someone else,
My grasp would curse us both, it was too late…
I have to quit, it now looks like a corpse.

Alas, preserving its red shine would cost
Withdrawal from what I wished for the most. »


Bonne lecture.